Sunday, March 14, 2010

Deals of the Week

Milk $1.98/gallon Limit 2
Cuties Mandarin Oranges $2.98/3 lb bag use $.55 off coupon from Sunday Paper
Yoplait Yogurt $.48
And that's all folks. Cub, you've disappointed me this week.

Cadbury Eggs $.39/each Limit 6 (yum)
Geisha Canned Fruit $.79/each Limit 3
Kleenexes $.89/box Limit 3
Fructis Hair Care $2.49 w/coupon in ad Limit 3 use coupons from Sunday papers for additional savings

Lunchables 10/$10
Softsoap Hand Soap 10/$10
Eggs $1/dozen
Kellogg's 4/$10 plus get a $5 gift card w/purchase of 4

Milk $1.98/gallon Limit 2
Keebler's $.98
Kraft Cheese 3/$4.98
Buy any 6 General Mills Cereals, get $10 off and a coupon for a free gallon of milk
Oranges $.89/lb
There was also a Rainbow coupon book that was in the Sunday paper w/lots of good coupons in it, its worth picking up the paper for!

And that's all folks.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Deals of the Week

Madam Mandarin Oranges/Geisha Mushies are 2/$1 Limit 4 w/coupon
Necco Marshmallow Egg Crates (yum!) are $.79 w/coupon in ad Limit 4

Cub has a new coupon book (in-store) which I haven't seen, yet.
Cub Brand shredded cheese is $.99 limit 4 (shredded cheese is great for freezing)

BOGO Fresh Express Garden Salad
BOGO Fresh Mozzarella (yum!)
Skippy PB is $.98 w/coupon in ad Limit 1
Tide 100 oz detergent is $8.88 w/coupon in ad Limit 1 (combine w/coupons from Sunday paper for more savings)
Bush's Beans are $.89/can
Select Kemps products are 5/$10 and save $2 w/coupon in ad (Yo-J, Trix Yogurt, Sargento cheese), Disney Yogurt, Sour Cream)
Roma Tomatoes are $.99/lb

That's about it. Not a great week for deals (besides the Tide at Rainbow), good thing the only food item I have to buy this week is mushrooms. And probably milk since the little calves finished the last gallon off at lunch today.